Do you doubt the existence of God?

   God Exists!

 I pity people who say God doesn’t exist. They say believing the unseen God is irrational yet they believe that gravity holds them and the breath in their nostril sustains them. They all are unwilling to open their eyes, but will that in any way question God’s existence? If a cat chooses to close its eyes, does the world become dark?

    When they claim to be intelligent I wonder, have they ever thought about the mind behind the tremendous process involved in the growth of a fetus- knitted nerve by nerve, have they ever been able to think who painted the wings of the butterflies? Or where the flowers got their fragrance from? They hadn’t just paused to look at themselves; can they find another person like them? What more, they failed to observe the universe: the stars, the planets- How can they think no one orchestrated them? Do they hang in the sky, coasting in their orbit all by themselves? I feel sorry; because I have little faith unlike them to believe that nobody is behind the scenes.

    I am a reasoning individual as they are. Certainly, I do believe in evidence and not in any figment of human imagination. Just like we believe that there is an unseen gravity because we don’t float, I believe in an unseen God because all His creation speaks of His being.

Dear friends who do not believe in God, hear this: 

    Now, if you feel like I am dislodging my intelligence, let me ask you something, where did you get your intelligence from? If we have intelligence there should be a source. If there is a stream there has to be a source from which the stream gets water. If there is life in this world there has to be a source; which is the ultimate life. Something just cannot appear in the ether magically and if you believe in mere coincidence and chance, then, I don’t think you are as rational as you claim to be. If we possess glimpses of reason and intelligence there has to be a source from where it flows and it has to be the total perfect intelligence.  My question is this: How can we reason with the source of reason itself? Isn’t that foolish.

    Let me answer the predominant question of all atheists- If God (who is inherently good) exists then why is there evil? One plain answer to this would be - we are living in a fallen world. God created a perfect world and man sinned and evil entered. Now you might as well ask me, what does that even matter to me because I didn’t commit that Sin. Well, yes, Adam and Eve sinned and you weren’t there in the scene but you can trace your origin back to them (if you believe it or not). Sin entered our first parents which means sin entered you and me. You cannot wash your hands on this and say we don’t play a role in it. God sees humanity as a whole as much as He sees you as the only person in the universe and loves you unconditionally. That’s the unique nature of God; He is no human for us to grasp Him fully. Don’t get sidetracked, let’s come to the point. Look around at how corrupted the human race has become, father killing son, wife killing husband, babies being slaughtered. The precious Life God created has not been given any value. Do you come to say God is happy seeing all this? He is so unhappy to see how the human race has given way for evil over good. In spite of all this, He is in the middle of all the mess that the human race has created and He is working it out all for our good. He never plans out all the evil that you see around. It is the consequence of our sins. You can ask as many questions about the evil you see around but I don’t think even if God answers you and I can comprehend the mysterious working of God, which is perfect and driven by love.  You might say why then if God loves good over evil, stop the man from pulling that trigger, from jabbing that knife, from strangling that person. Certainly, God is sovereign and he has all the power to control but if He had exercised that, you wouldn’t be free to argue about God and doubt His existence as you do today. One thing you should understand before taking this any further, God didn’t create human robots who love God because they were computed so to do. If that was the case, it wouldn’t be love in the true sense. That would be a world of automata devoid of love. No sin would have been there, because humans would not have acted by themselves but would have been mere puppets in the hands of God. God created human beings in His likeness: with a mind, with emotions, and most importantly with free will. God created humans with free will and only from this kind of world love can evolve. He wanted us –free-willed creatures, to love Him,  submit to Him, adore Him, and worship Him and follow Him by choosing to do all of it out of our own will. Adam and Eve were given the will to choose between obeying God and disobeying God. God wanted them to choose to obey God not by force but out of their own will and love for Him. Don’t you understand, this sovereign God would’ve stopped Adam and Eve and changed their mind from eating the fruit and disobeying God yet He was still when they choose to disobey because He was willing to do anything for love. He loved them and us that’s why He never treats us as His slaves; He lets us have our own way. Do you know the love He had for us cost Him His son? He loves you that much. I hope that gives a little clarity about God. And by disobeying God they opened doors for sin and evil, God didn’t leave it at that. He rescued us by sending His son and He is still saving many people who slam the door on Him. Whichever path you are in today, God is ready to take that path just to find you and tell that He loves you and wishes to save you. He knows your pain is hard, your suffering is cruel but He wishes to heal you today. He loves you like you are the only person in the entire world and wants to fill you with joy.

    Let’s get back to our discussion. Now if Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned the story would’ve been different, we don’t have to worry about it. How then can we call God is just? This is how: Because one man sinned and sin entered the whole humanity and because of one innocent man’s death (Jesus the son of God who took human form) redemption was given to the whole human race who believed in Him. 

    Let me answer this question another way; we know evil exists, which means there should be 'good' (you know something is evil because it is not 'good'), now when there is 'good' there should also be a moral law (from which we know what is 'good') - agree? If there is a moral law there should be moral lawgiver- sensible? And the moral lawgiver should transcend the moral law and that could be only God. Now if you don’t believe in a moral lawgiver(God) in the first place, how can your question(How does God allow evil?) be valid? I have no joy in arguing or winning arguments, I just want you to realize that your empty arguments lead you nowhere. Accept the true loving Saviour waiting for you. How did the world know about the entity called ‘God ’If he hadn’t existed? You know a line is crooked because you know how a straight line looks. Today you argue there is no God because you know there is a God. If you search for Him He’ll find you. Yes, you read it right, He will find you.

    If you wish, please give an ear. You vehemently turn against God; you desire not to know Him because when you know Him, You know who you are- A mere jar of clay fighting against the almighty. The existence of God is very evident friend, I need no philosopher to prove it, but you’ll need Engels, Russell, and Hume to at least make a point. Trying to comprehend God wholly with our tiny human mind is likened to counting the drops in an ocean but does that in any way discount His existence? Shouldn’t that only fill us with awe to fall prostrate before Him? Can a piece of clay see into a potter’s mind? Can it say that there were no hands behind its formation?  Or can it say there is no potter for I have no eyes to see or no mind to perceive one? Know this; to humble yourself before the creator, for dear friend when you meet him one day, you sure will, I bet you melt like wax before His presence. I don’t want you to feel in that moment that you had spent all your life in this foolish pursuit of proving the inexistence of the Almighty.





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