What Hope do we have in Christ?

    "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men" (1Cor15:19) But Christ has risen indeed from the dead and we have hope not only for this life but for eternal life.
"We have hope not only for this life
but for eternal life"

I hear some saying, "make merry for we live once and die". Now my dear friend, if that was the truth I would definitely join with you to live my life as I please and enjoy it to the fullest without paying heed to God (since my life ends when I die). But the truth is different, there is an eternal life waiting for us, that is what the Bible tells me, and I believe that it is the truth. Since I know there's an eternal life , tell me which is wise choice to make; soil my soul in this world and lose eternal life or to carefully guard it clinging on to Christ and win eternal life?  This life that we are living; with all its troubles, sickness and sorrows, is just a passing cloud which cannot stand before the glory and joy of eternal life prepared for us. Once we die of this flesh- it's not the end, but it is the beginning of the new life we were actually destined to live.

    The existentialists to some extent foreshadowed the kind of feeling that every soul destined for eternal life feels. They felt that the world is nothing and they found everything meaningless, till this point they were right. But they felt that even their existence was meaningless( that's not right, since God has a purpose for our existence). They forgot that we are sent on a journey by God and only successful completion of this trip will win us eternal life.

    If Christ has not been resurrected then there is nothing to be glad (regardless of Christ in you, your life ends like others) since Christ rose from the dead, we have the assurance that we will also be resurrected through Christ to live an eternity with Christ.

    Today if you wish for this eternal life, you just need to invite Christ in your life. And He will transform you to become fit for heaven above.
But if my words were just a foolish rant to your ears, I pray that one day you'll know the truth before it is too late.

I would never trade a precious pearl(Eternal life in heaven) for a piece of stone (world)
The choice is yours.


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