Kids' Bible study material for The Book of Revelation

Heya! Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus. 

Around this time last year, when everything came to a standstill because of the pandemic and the lockdown, God inspired me to connect with my Sunday class kids virtually to make use of the time. I had to abruptly stop the lessons due to the imposition of lockdown so I praised God for giving me the knowledge to continue the lessons online. Having finished the lessons, I did not know how to move forward. I wanted to teach them more but I was not sure what to teach them. While I was mulling over this, out of the blue I caught a fancy for 'The Book of Revelation'. I'll teach them the book of revelation , I thought. My mind shouted in disagreement because I was planning for a 'Revelation' Bible study for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders and on top of that I haven't done a deep study of that book myself. However impossible it sounded, my heart had already fixed it's course to go on with it. I prayed about it and asked God for help. When I shared this idea with others they raised their eyebrows and I wasn't surprised. I started it, kids enjoyed, they were enlightened; for God was in this all. It went on till June and they got their completion certificates from me😉
 The kids who gave me confused stares when I said Jesus was coming back again now could teach you things you wouldn't know from 'The Book of Revelation'. I never put anyone to sleep as I presumed, they only enjoyed and were awed at the mysteries of the book, the richness waiting for them in eternity and the power of God.
Today when I think back, I can't thank God enough for His help. It wasn't just the children who learned, the Holy Spirit opened my mind to many things about heaven and about God. The endeavour was successful and rewarding.

Let's not belittle the children saying that they cannot comprehend the things of the Bible. God will open their minds to understand the things about Him, pray and take the first step. I'm sharing the posters made for each chapter with you to download and use them in teaching The Book of Revelation to the children as well as adults( after all we are kids at heart🙂)

Follow the link below to download

God helped me make these posters for each chapter of the book to help the kids visually comprehend the visions of st.John.  (I did take some help from the Internet, collated pictures and ideas from different sources)

Share it with people who might find this useful. 

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May God bless you.
Jesus is coming soon😊


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