A Journal Entry

July 28,2018.

    Yesterday while returning from college something happened which radiated light to some grey areas in my mind.

   Munching samosas my friend and I were waiting at the railway station. After having eaten it we were engaged in a conversation while I had this sudden urge looking at a plethora of biscuits displayed in the nearby shop, to get one. When I told this to my friend she gave me a disagreeing look because she knew me as a person who does not buy everything I see. Reminding her that I had already got a packet of wafers inside my bag but still want to get those biscuits, I strode to the shop and bought them. It was an impulsive act I should say. Sitting on the stone bench I was gazing aimlessly while something caught the corner of my eye. I saw a man unkempt and shabbily dressed rummaging the trash bin . I turned to take a clear picture of what he was doing and found that he kept moving from one bin to another searching for food. Immediately I looked at my biscuit clutched hands and glanced at my friend (who had also noticed the man), who prodded me to go. I got up, walked to him, and handed over the packet. He received it and walked away as though I was indebted to him. Noticing keenly I found that he was mentally unstable. The plight of that man, conjured up in my mind, gnawed my heart. Sitting silently I ruminated, what will he do tomorrow for food? that’s when my friend spoke, pulling me up from the pit of 'discontent with life' that I had just fallen into. “This is God’s plan, you getting biscuits for no reason and this man getting something to fill his tummy from you today“.

To all those who blame Jesus for not being kind to the poor, I cannot promise to give answers to all your questions but I can assure you that he forsakes and neglects no one. Even in the face of despondency, the maker was bend on feeding this soul. You can take this home; God never turns a blind eye to the cruelties that we stumble upon day in and out. Somethings are just outside the purview of our tiny human mind and we need to be spiritually conscious to comprehend them.


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