His Grace in my Life- A Testimony

This incident took place on June 11, 2020.

    Everything on that day went on well for me except for the stomach pain that crept in during the family prayer. What started as a mild gas cramp at 9p.m intensified to become a deadly pain by the time I went to bed. My parents treated me with all the remedies that were handy: Roasted garlic, cumin water, castor oil, tablets, antacids, etc. but all their efforts came to naught. Things became worst; I could neither lie myself down nor get up to my feet. All I could do was grip my mom tight and writhe in pain. My parents weren’t bothered much initially about the pain but now they were really scared. All my efforts to calm them were in vain. Minute after minute I only threatened them with my novel symptoms. After a few moments, the pain rose to my chest and I was holding my chest and gasping for breath, this alarmed my parents. All they could do was helpless stand there comforting me, calling onto Jesus with every breath; they could do nothing to alleviate my pain. My sister was frantically listening to the updates over the phone and she tried to make things sound fine. I had woken up my uncle, aunt, and cousin next door, who came with a handful of medicines from their cupboard. My breathing became difficult and painful; if I tried to move the slight jerk quickened the pain to its initial intensity. This went on till 1am, after which I had somehow managed to lie down on my right side (since the whole of my left side including my hand experienced pain) and remained stock-still on my bed; this provided a brief respite. Seeing this, everyone retired to bed, my mom lied down next to me. She was worn-out from the day’s labour and in no time she went into a deep slumber. 

    All believed that things would be fine after this; little did they know that nothing changed. Even though dad had gone to bed he was restless. I didn’t sleep a wink; I got the impression that something was awry in me and I cried to God for help. I didn’t want to move for the fear of getting the excruciating pain yet again. I could neither go no like this any further since my stillness had numbed the right side of my body. So I slowly turned (lying straight), and then gently sat up; I could sense the pain being startled. Holding my abdomen with one hand and using the other to support me, I put one leg down and then the other and rose to my feet (it took me a few minutes, literally). The pain had set in full strength by this time; as I walked step by step to the hallway I noticed a swelling in my stomach, it was weighted down and I sensed something moving in my lower abdomen. By this time I had come to the conclusion that I have a severe ailment.

            My dad got a glimpse of me moving about and quickly came to my aid. I wanted to leave my mother undisturbed, so we moved to the next room. My dad was wounded seeing me in agony, it was ten minutes to four in the morning and still, there was no sign of recovery. My dad suggested we go to the hospital and that was the last thing I wanted to do (considering the pandemic). I blurted out and cried like a child- I was utterly confused. I was constantly calling on the Lord; I was so tormented by the pain. Now I wasn’t able to lie down at all, it became an impossible thing to do. I wasn’t even able to lift a leg and place it on my bed. An hour later after much struggle, I squatted on my bed. I bent my head low to reach the mounted pillows arranged in front of me. After doing this, little by little I tried to lie down on my side and reclined in a sleeping position finally. It was 5a.m and I slept till 6am in that same position.

            While I slept my dad couldn’t sleep, he stood by my side, placing his hands over me and cried out to God. God had put in my dad’s heart that this wasn’t natural pain but inflicted by the devil. Dad was fighting the devil with his prayers, calling on God to come to my rescue and deliver me. I opened my eyes and gave an exhausted look at my dad, who was still praying by my side. Dad inquired about my pain, I told him that I didn’t feel pain. We lifted our hands right there and praised God. He helped me get up; I sensed the pain growing again. But before I could talk any further; I threw up. My mom came running to my help; she was puzzled seeing me in this state. I threw up a handful of greenish semisolid substance. The moment I came from the washroom, the pain vanished. I was so suspicious of this, I couldn’t believe; I sat down, got up, lied down- turned this way and that way and paced the hallway excitedly- there was absolutely no pain. I got my flat and normal stomach back. I, at once, dashed off to my parents and told them how I felt. They were equally surprised seeing me walk comfortably; dad knelt down and shouted for joy. I did all stunts before them to show that I was completely healed. Dad was so touched by the Lord’s doing, he became emotional and lifted his hands and shouted, “Thank you, Jesus, thank you for heeding to my humble prayer”. 

    He turned to us and said, “This is the work of satan and God has given us victory over him.” It dawned on me only then, that I didn’t find a trace of pain or uneasiness the moment I came out of the washroom (It didn’t get better gradually it all happened in a snap of a finger and it has gone forever). The evil spirit could no longer stand the power of God manifested through my dad’s prayer and it came surging out of me. I somehow hadn’t been into the practice of praying before eating my meals and dad advised all of us that day to get into the habit of praying before consuming anything.

     As a family we knelt down, we became teary-eyed in the presence of the Lord and opened our hearts, and thanked Him. At this juncture of my life, I truly realized that without God (His love, grace, protection, mercy, and favour) I would’ve been a prey to the enemy. Let’s suppose my dad lost hope in God and let bitterness set in, he wouldn’t have prayed and I would’ve gone through the misery of visiting the hospital and taking useless medications. But since he prayed with faith, God saved me from the trouble.

    Just like I had mentioned in one of the posts, I’d like to reiterate it once more, prayer can destroy satan’s plans. When you remain intimate with God, He will reveal the enemy's plans to you and He will use your prayers to terminate it. The devil tried to cause despair, in my otherwise joyful life in Christ, but he never knew that God was writing this testimony in the process and strengthening our faith in the power of His Name.

     If you are reading this today, please understand that you don’t have to run to a pastor or an evangelist to pray over you. God is ready to display His power through you because it’s not really about you (mere jars of clay), it is about God- ‘The Miracle Worker’. You just have to create a channel in your life (through prayer and faith) for you and others to see His Glory.

    Can you all take a moment to thank the Lord for doing this great thing in my life. If God can save me, he can do wonders in your life too. He will make you a testimony; just let him work in your life and trust Him.


 I encourage all of you to acknowledge His love, grace, protection, mercy, and favour in your life today. Thank God for the things you have taken for granted: The breath in your nostrils today, the good health, shelter, food, education…If you feel that God doesn’t love you enough, you don’t have to do much, just switch on the news and you’ll know how much God loves you and cares for you.

     If God had done miracles in your life, let me know in the comments below for the glory of His name.

Thanks for the time! May God bless you.

All honour, praise, and glory to Jesus, Amen.



  1. Very much touched Rach 😌 Let's keep praising him for his strength in all things......


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