
One Day at a Time

        One Day at a Time "One day at a time sweet Jesus That's all I'm asking of You Just give me the strength To do everyday what I have to do Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus And tomorrow may never be mine Lord help me today, show me the way  One day at a time"    Today as I was mulling over the puzzling will of God in my life, t hese lines popped up in my head . As soon as the song played in my head , I was transported to my good old primary school days. I saw myself as a kid standing on the  sprawling ground  with a starched uniform and well-kempt hair, singing this song loudly as I could whenever it was played in the assembly.  What do We Need? This was my favorite prayer song back then when I never really understood the real essence of the song. But little did I know that  each line would resonate with my soul someday. I was intrigued to check the history of these lines. I found out that  Marilyn Sellars , who is the owner of these lines, was advised by a pasto

Lovingly Wounded by God

 Lovingly Wounded by God Little did I know the value of pain, disappointments, setbacks, and trouble. Who can ever imagine a loving God allowing all of this in the lives of His dear ones? I spent most of my life pulling a long face at God, not to mention complaining, when faced with disappointments and pain. What troubled me was the discord between being faithful to God and suffering.  The hidden pain Honestly, like most of you, I stepped into the God frame thinking everything is going to turn around for good being around God. As I dug the scripture, that is the first lesson I had to unlearn. The Bible is full of promises of suffering. It doesn't leave you confused about why you need to suffer pain and trouble. I am going to talk you through the things I unlearned and had to relearn to maintain a Godly peace in the wretched world. CAUGHT IN THE COBWEB Yeah, we are all caught in the cobweb of this disastrous world. The world dumps its dreams, ambition, success, development, pride, p

Our Father Abraham Made Lemonade!

Our Father Abraham Made Lemonade! I can very well see your gaping faces through the screen, relax this is not going to be blasphemous. I'm trying to make a point through this statement. Hang around to find out why and how our father Abraham made lemonade. (Reference: Romans 4: 17-25) Abraham- The Father of Nations   Abraham   felt honored when  God gave him the title ' The Father of Nations'.  You might think, what is the big deal? Everyone will feel that way if they were in his place, but wait before you make any presumptions. Did you know that he was called ' The Father of Nations'  when chances of fathering a child were few and far between? Imagine Abraham sharing this promise from God to his friends and relatives, all I could hear are jeers and hoarse laughter. The circumstances  It was in this dreadful situation that he received the honorable title with a hopeful heart. Take a look at his circumstance: His body was weak and Sarah's womb was dead, every litt

Jeroboam Wants to Teach You a Big Something

 Jeroboam Wants to Teach You a Big Something  “ I know God is with me but I will lose my people if they go to Jerusalem and worship in the temple there ” Jeroboam mulled over it. A light bulb went on in his head, “ What if I build idols here at Bethel for them? That will stop them from going to Jerusalem ” A voice in his heart at once responded,  “ But, that will become a great sin before God ” Jeroboam bluntly brushed off the voice. You are as free as the bird that claims the sky to make a choice between God and your 'self' God Was With Jeroboam God was with Jeroboam, the king of Israel, though he wasn’t perfectly sinless  in  the  eyes  of  God. Just like how many people have taken God, whose mills grind slow,  for  granted;  Jeroboam did just the same. He never thought twice before  committing  the  heinous  crime of idolatry. He Led the People to Idolatry After he had made two golden calves, one at Bethel and another at Dan, Jeroboam called  the  people of Israel for

Kids' Bible study material for The Book of Revelation

Heya! Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus.  Around this time last year, when everything came to a standstill because of the pandemic and the lockdown, God inspired me to connect with my Sunday class kids virtually to make use of the time. I had to abruptly stop the lessons due to the imposition of lockdown so I praised God for giving me the knowledge to continue the lessons online. Having finished the lessons, I did not know how to move forward. I wanted to teach them more but I was not sure what to teach them. While I was mulling over this, out of the blue I caught a fancy for 'The Book of Revelation'. I'll teach them the book of revelation , I thought. My mind shouted in disagreement because I was planning for a 'Revelation' Bible study for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders and on top of that I haven't done a deep study of that book myself. However impossible it sounded, my heart had already fixed it's course to go on with it. I prayed about it and asked God

Little Things - Much Love

     It has been more than ten years since we came to the house that we presently live in. W hen we first came to this place it was quite underdeveloped, roads were not laid properly and all around our house plants had grown wildly. W e were frequently troubled by insects, which were supposedly harmful, but each and every time God's hand protected us. I want to recount one such incident in this blog.      I hurried into my room and quickly grabbed my home clothes. After wearing a tee shirt I was rummaging for a pant. Having found one, I was ready to slip into it when something fell on the floor from the pant that I was holding in my hand . What I saw on the floor sent chills down my spine- it was a baby centipede (it looked venomous, though it’s less harmful) . Before I could muster my courage and find tools to attack it, the insect disappeared out of my sight. I informed my parents and we searched for it in the direction it had gone but in vain.      What woul

Some nights I look at Him and tell this.
