Our Father Abraham Made Lemonade!

Our Father Abraham Made Lemonade!

I can very well see your gaping faces through the screen, relax this is not going to be blasphemous. I'm trying to make a point through this statement. Hang around to find out why and how our father Abraham made lemonade.

(Reference: Romans 4: 17-25)

Abraham- The Father of Nations

 Abraham felt honored when God gave him the title 'The Father of Nations'. You might think, what is the big deal? Everyone will feel that way if they were in his place, but wait before you make any presumptions. Did you know that he was called 'The Father of Nations' when chances of fathering a child were few and far between? Imagine Abraham sharing this promise from God to his friends and relatives, all I could hear are jeers and hoarse laughter.

The circumstances 

It was in this dreadful situation that he received the honorable title with a hopeful heart. Take a look at his circumstance: His body was weak and Sarah's womb was dead, every little change of hope was stripped out. Who can even believe when God gives grand a promise like this in such a dire situation? He did. Abraham believed. He did not buy into the truth of his circumstances. Not only did he believe that one day he will have a son but he also took a great leap of faith and believed that he will become the father of nations. 

How Could Abraham Believe in God?

His circumstances were starring him down making the promise look far-fetched. It didn't matter to him. When all his circumstances should have drowned him into the sea of disbelief, he deftly swam across it. Nothing made him waver in his faith.  How could he have such faith? Because he never tried to bring his bird brain into this frame. His faith was built on the Power of God and not how he understood God to be. His faith strengthened as he praised God, who calls into existence the things that do not exist(Rom 4:17)

He didn't try to bring his mind around the power of God and his supernatural promise with his logic and reason. His little faith in the Promise Keeper amidst the reverberating noises in the head, trying to relegate the promise of God,  made him the Father of faith as well. He turned the noises in his head to songs of praise. 

Making Lemonade

This is where he made lemonade. When satan pelted lemons at him, instead of being startled, he was calm making lemonades. I wonder how satan would have felt dripping with shame. Circumstances(lemons) never bothered him. With the growing complexity of the circumstances, God became more and more powerful in his eyes. This made him sing songs of praise(lemonade) and he relaxed, trusting God beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And this lemonade-making faith is what made him righteous. We are called to make lemonades like our father Abraham, friends, let not the lemons devil throws at you make you cower in disbelief but rather defeat him by turning those to songs of praise and why not, you can drink a lemonade too.

After all, drinking lemonade is not a tall demand that God is asking us to do to make us righteous people who can inherit all the promises.

Why does God let satan throw the lemons?

 Suffering cultivates patience and patience produces Godly experiences which in turn leaves us with faith in the power of God.

Though the beginning is sour (suffering) the ending will be delightful(faith) Faith is what will take us to heaven. By allowing suffering God is helping us board on the journey to heaven. 

This is the blueprint- Suffering -Patience- Godly experience- Faith(in the power of God) 

Let's make lemonades :)


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