One Day at a Time


One Day at a Time

"One day at a time sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking of You
Just give me the strength
To do everyday what I have to do
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
Lord help me today, show me the way One day at a time"


 Today as I was mulling over the puzzling will of God in my life, these lines popped up in my head. As soon as the song played in my head, I was transported to my good old primary school days. I saw myself as a kid standing on the sprawling ground with a starched uniform and well-kempt hair, singing this song loudly as I could whenever it was played in the assembly. 

What do We Need?

This was my favorite prayer song back then when I never really understood the real essence of the song. But little did I know that each line would resonate with my soul someday. I was intrigued to check the history of these lines. I found out that Marilyn Sellars, who is the owner of these lines, was advised by a pastor to thank God for her suffering when she had been going through bouts of depression. 

The above wonderful lines, therefore, have come from a wounded heart crying for help. It's surprising how her heart pleads for God's strength to handle her pain and receive the will of God, albeit sorrow mingled with joy, one day at a time rather than evading the whole thing.

I reckon the Bible teaches us to do the same when we feel out of our depths. The Bible says "I can do everything through him who gives me strength"(Phil 4:13) and it urges us to not worry about the future for "each day has enough trouble of its own"(Mat 6:34b)

Well, that is all we actually need to travel through this fleeting life: 
  1. Strength to handle troubles of everyday life
  2. Take things one day at a time
How do we get His strength?

How to receive His strength? 
In quietness and trust (Isa 30:15)

Oh! I can't tell you enough how many times when I darted questions at God,  His answers were just plain deafening silence. Later, I learned a lesson; I stopped asking questions, I trusted. It was in quietness and trust that I gained His strength and not when I asked Him questions. Well, he could've answered me, but, I would've missed an important exercise in my life. 

Today, I see God's strength in my weakness, pain, confusion, and hurt. I'm able to handle everyday trouble with His strength and I can't thank Him enough for the priceless lesson I've learned.

God Taught me a Prayer

A few minutes ago, before the song occurred in my head, I almost felt like drowning in the water crying for help. Jesus put this song in my head and I sensed Jesus stretching out His hands, hauling me out of the water, putting me on the shore, and saying "Hey girl! make this your prayer today"

The Race

We are all tasked with running a race and as a matter of fact, the right track has potholes and bumps. To get the eternal reward we have to trudge through this path. So, what can we logically do? Ask for His strength to cross each hurdle and take one bump at a time. One day when we look back at the path we had come by, we'll be amazed at how powerful God is because we couldn't have done it on our own.

I can proudly say I love Jesus but it's not going to make my life any less hard. I had gone for days feeling like a wreck, totally jaded to move on with life. When I lay staring past the ceiling into the darkness totally psyched out, the voice of  God echoes from within saying 'I will never leave you and have never left you'. In moments like these, I realized that trust is the only way to showcase my love for Jesus. Today was one such day where I had to rejuvenate my trust in Him.

He wants you to live life likewise. Taking things one day at a time. The future might be clouded by uncertainty looking at it from your vantage point but God doesn't see as you do. 
You might even feel suffering and trouble stalking you down, yet He is going to carry you through and you don't have to do it alone. So, why worry about tomorrow where God already is with a plan in place? 

Rest easy, for whatever He has allowed in your life is His perfect will. Although sometimes His will might make you cringe and leave you flustered, one day you'll be able to piece situations together and it is going to make perfect sense.

Receive His strength in the quietness of heart and fullness of trust and His incomprehensive peace will ensue. 
Why don't you make this your prayer too as I did today?

God bless you!

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