Little Things - Much Love

    It has been more than ten years since we came to the house that we presently live in. When we first came to this place it was quite underdeveloped, roads were not laid properly and all around our house plants had grown wildly. We were frequently troubled by insects, which were supposedly harmful, but each and every time God's hand protected us. I want to recount one such incident in this blog.

    I hurried into my room and quickly grabbed my home clothes. After wearing a tee shirt I was rummaging for a pant. Having found one, I was ready to slip into it when something fell on the floor from the pant that I was holding in my hand. What I saw on the floor sent chills down my spine- it was a baby centipede(it looked venomous, though it’s less harmful). Before I could muster my courage and find tools to attack it, the insect disappeared out of my sight. I informed my parents and we searched for it in the direction it had gone but in vain.

    What would have happened if I had slipped into the pant which was still, carrying the insect? “It was God’s protection”, my dad emphasized. That night, before I hit the bed, I thanked God from the depth of my heart. I for a person always believed that God protects me from all harm yet what amused me was how the ruler of the universe, with so many things happening in the world, stooped down to protect me from a small insect as if saving me from an insect bite was the most significant thing to do at the moment. It would not have been fatal if I had got bitten but surely it would've given me a great deal of trouble. I was filled with awe for God. Is he so concerned that even an insect should not harm me? Can anyone love me like Him? I saw God at this moment not as someone alienated from me sitting on a throne and directing my life but as a father holding my hand and standing next to me making sure things were right.

    Dear friends, this is how we should realize the presence of God and His mighty hand in all walks of our lives. Try being attentive to his moves and the way he cares for you, it will blow you out of your wits. This helps us- humans who cannot totally love God- to understand and savour His love.

    After almost a month, one day when I walked to the door of my room and reached for the bolt something bizarre caught the corner of my eye- A well grown centipede! It took me some time to realize that it was the same baby centipede. I had seemingly housed it in my room for some time and it fend for itself somehow. Now it was moving before me sluggishly; different than the swift young one I had seen a month earlier. I quickly dropped the book I was holding in my hand to make it stay put and later proceeded to murder it.

    I am inclined to give you more details here to help you understand God’s intervention. The insect had taken the right speed and started at the right time to meet me at the door and face its doom, simultaneously I wanted to leave the room at the right moment. It was orchestrated by God, purely. The path the insect was advancing in had bags into which it could have comfortably climbed; which it refrained, I couldn’t help but say, by divine leading.

    I don’t know how this sounds to your ears but this incident helped me realize that God watches over me (Psalms 121:5 "The Lord watches over you") and I am nestled safely under His feathers(Psalm 91 verse 4 "He shall cover you with His feathers")

    The Lord will rescue us from all harm (Psalm 91:14) in all our ways He will send His angels to guide us (psalms 91:11) where ever we stay an angel army encamps around us (Psalm 34:7) This is the promise from the Lord and it proves to be true when we stop to take notice of the little things God is doing for us day in and day out, which we so easily discount as mere fortuity. As Christians we need to be keen on God's leading which will help us love Him more and to glorify Him more. Nothing that happens in our existence is a coincidence, right from the time we rise up and to the time we go to bed, God is with us. We need to start acknowledging it.

    My dad always taught me to watch closely the way in which God protects and leads me in my day to day life; it has helped me tremendously. We praise God for the big healing and miracles but often tend to overlook the little things he does which demonstrates the unbridled love of God. Each day we will have something to thank God for when we start taking note of the little things He does. It will help us draw nearer to Him and see Him as a father and a friend.

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