In His Time

 Yesterday I happened to send a Bible verse, which I found on Youtube post, to my sister and that's the reason I'm writing this post today.

This is what happened: 

    My sister was unable to sleep last night and so she got up to pray. She sat on her bed and started talking with Jesus. She told him how she felt about certain things in life; things Jesus had promised to give her a breakthrough, and how she felt when nothing of that sort was happening. After a few moments, she felt like praying for a friend who was facing troubles in marital life and was at the end of the rope; totally shattered not able to pray. This burdened her a lot and she looked at Jesus and said, "In all my life, at some point in time, at least for once I would've obeyed You and walked according to how You had directed me. For the sake of that act of obedience please grant me an answer for this prayer" She felt the Lord smile at her child-like request and God put an answer in her heart. She sensed Jesus saying in her spirit  "Whatever you have been praying for your friend, I have heard it and I will fulfill your request in this month" joyfully thanking the Lord she lay down. The strange voices in her head told her that it was all her imagination and God never spoke anything, feeling let down by the voice inside her head she opened her WhatsApp that night after her prayer.

    Earlier that day I came across a Bible verse, which was a promise verse for this month given by a channel I follow on Youtube and wanted to send it to my sister so I saved it. It slipped my mind to send it to her. I had some work that day which kept me up till 1a.m. and suddenly I realized that I hadn't sent her the verse. I sent her the verse, a few moments before she checked her Whatsapp.

    This verse jostled her. This was very similar to the words that Jesus put in her heart and now God was confirming to her that it was truly He who spoke with her. 

    Now if I had sent it to her right off when I saw the post, it wouldn't have had this impact. God had planned this earlier because He knew doubts would arise in her mind and held me up till 1a.m. to send this to her at the right moment.

    This might be a very simple incident but what blows my mind is God's timing. If He can put so much effort and attention to help the verse reach her at the right time and speak to her through it, imagine how marvelous it would be if only we wait for all things to unfurl in His time. How much more focused would He be to help us receive the right thing at the right time. Only when things happen in His time will it give us perfect happiness, joy and it will surely leave us in awe and wonder at the work of His hands.

Whatever you are going through, hold on. He makes all things beautiful in His time :)

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