Poem- 'Where I Am is Not Where I Planned to Be'


Where I Am is Not Where I Planned to Be

Where I am is not where I planned to be,

You O  Lord are leading me to mysteries.

Uncertainty resounding around me, I wish for clarity.

I’m weak, I’m worn, and I’m broken;

You make me sing Hallelujahs

In the middle of the raging storm.

As I say I’m tired of holding on,

I see Your warm words wrap my cold heart.

You are teaching me to wait on You,

Stirring me to pursue You,

You are making me a warrior I never thought I’d be.

All I hear now is only a discordant clatter

And the world screaming, “Give up, your faith doesn’t matter”

But deep within I hear you whisper,

“Dear child, I’m orchestrating a symphony,

 Won’t you just trust in Me?”


Gold is sent through the furnace to be refined;

You are travailing on this path to be defined.

Everything around you might inflict a scar

as you walk along it might seem bizarre;

 Worry not, the scars will finally heave into view

The greatness of the One who’s with you.

                                                         One day tall will you stand,

                                                         As you witness to the work of His hand.



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