Don't Lose Your Confidence in Christ!

    The Israelites had so much confidence in God in the beginning when they saw how He brought them out of Egypt, but slowly as time progressed their confidence and faith diminished. This had a devastating effect on them because they couldn't enter the promised land even after coming so close to its borders. They did not have the same level of confidence they first had(only a remnant entered Canaan).

    When we read about them today we feel so miserable for them. Little do we realize, even in our lives, how near we are for a promise to materialize when our heart whispers "give up on God". The Israelites were promised Canaan(a land where honey and milk flows) but all they saw was a dry wilderness, this plummeted their Confidence in God. The fruit of their unbelief was an unrealized promise. Unbelief is an impediment for promises to be fulfilled.                           
      Don't be disheartened by what you see but trust in what you are going to see. The confidence you once had is what God expects of you now, for him to bring all the promises to pass. The bible says, "For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ."(Heb 3:14).
Don't give up hopes, you never know how close you are to entering the promised land.  


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