A Testimony


    “Don’t worry mummy, they’ll be here very soon” I reassured her, and got up and walked out of the church. Our church begins at 7:30 a.m. and in those hours there is no possibility of getting stuck in the traffic. So logically dad should've reached the church right after us. All these thoughts followed me as I walked down the aisle. As I reached the doorway of the church, to my absolute horror, I was greeted by my sister with bleeding arms and tattered clothes with her shell-shocked son in her arms. Dad stood beside her utterly bewildered by the whole incident and had no words to share. I gazed at them and the whole scene told me what had happened. “We are fine by God's grace, just scratches here and there” my sister opened up, finally breaking the silence. Tears welled up in my eyes, I held myself together, kissed my nephew and sent a little ‘thank you’ note to God from my heart, and headed towards the Sunday school.

    This happened in the year 2018 (I don't remember which month) on one of my sister's visits to our home. I don't remember all the details but one thing I remember vividly; I couldn’t resist the great urge I had that Friday night to get up in the next morning to pray. Back then, I found it hard to wake up in the early hours to pray. I'm not a morning person even today. But that day I had an unnatural instinct to get up in the morning to pray. Since my sister was there with me and because we don't get many opportunities to pray together, I put a word across about my schedule the next morning to her. Like we planned, we got up in the early hours to pray. As we were praying ardently, I strangely prayed for the protection of my father's bike for a few big moments with tears and authority, asking God to cover it with His blood. After our prayers, I wondered why I made this prayer for my father's bike when I didn't intend to pray for it. 

   The next day, we were getting ready for church. We booked a cab, and dad planned to take his two-wheeler. My sister along with her son (2years old) insisted that they go along with my dad. My dad persuaded her not to accompany him but failed in his attempt. So my mom, my brother-in-law, and I took the cab. In no time we reached the church. I was waiting eagerly for my nephew to reach church so that he could watch the children's program at church that day. But they weren't there. The program got over. My mom got a little jittery about their delay; the service resumed. I got up and walked along with the Sunday class children as they filed out.

    After church, dad explained about the unprecedented incident. My dad had a safe driving history; he drives very cautiously anticipating the unknown dangers. So there has never been a time when he had collided or collapsed on road, his driving is clean. For a person of such merit, driving in an empty road early on a Sunday morning would be a cakewalk. Having said that, let me tell you what took place that day. My dad came driving out of the street, now he had to take a U-turn after crossing the main road. In the meantime, my sister forcefully took my nephew who was sitting in the small area between my dad and the front portion of the bike (that’s his usual seat) and made him sit sandwiched between the two. Coming out of the street, my dad looked behind and saw no vehicles in view and so he swiftly crossed and went over to the main road. Suddenly out of nowhere, a speeding bike knocked over them and my dad was jostled out of his vehicle falling onto the road. My sister was thrown a few inches away with my nephew nestled between her. No one knew what had happened. It was unforeseen in the true sense of the word. The biker was blasted and he ran for his life after quickly ensuring that all were alright. My sister had bruised her arm badly and my nephew starter crying looking at the commotion. Policemen from the police station right opposite to where this incident took place came rushing to enquire. They helped my sister get back to her feet. My sister was pacifying the baby asking him if he had pain anywhere and how he had settled on her because my sister knew that he had left her grasp when she was flung down. Looking at her flustered face, one of the policemen exclaimed, “oh don’t worry ma’am, your son did not fall down, he came and sat on you as if someone placed him gently on you. It was a surprising sight indeed”. She let a huge sigh of relief. After thanking the policemen, they left the place and reached the church. Later we came to know that God had mightily protected us from the treacherous plan of satan to wreak havoc in our lives.

Why this particular incident will be imprinted in my heart forever?

For everyone who prays is saved

Ø  Firstly, the sovereign God made us pray for the danger ahead so that He could intervene and shield us.

Ø  Secondly, God moved my sister to put my nephew on her lap, if he had remained where he was in the start, he would’ve experienced fatal wounds

Ø  Thirdly, God sent an angel to carry the little boy. Not even his clothes had a speck of dirt on it. Not even his hair was ruffled.

Ø  Fourthly, there were no big vehicles on road or else they would’ve run over them.


I stand in awe of God every time I recount this incident   


    The message I want to drive home through this testimony is this: PRAYER IS OUR WEAPON AGAINST THE ENEMY (SATAN). You might ask me, if God is sovereign and knows everything, why should I pray? My dear friend, do not forget that we exist in a fallen world where our enemy is prowling like a lion waiting to devour our souls (1Peter 5:8). Our Lord is the maker and ruler of the world but the devil who was hurled into this world, knowing his time is short (Rev 12:12), is bent on deceiving the people by making them believe that they don’t need a God to save them. God is in control, one day He is going to once and for all throw the devil into the deep abyss but now, we are involved in this battle against the devil and the weapon God has given us is prayer. For everyone who prays is saved (Acts 2:21). Don’t be tricked by the devil who says, “God knows it all and you don’t have to pray” because he knows you can be victorious when you pray. There are many other reasons to pray but this is the pivotal reason to pray. Whatever life throws at you fight your battles on your knees and you can never be defeated. 



        I'll be happy to pray for you. You can either leave your prayer request in the comments below or click on this link https://forms.gle/GcR6kaNfTRLTTSH77








  1. Great testimony dear child in Christ. I witness and remember this incident.

    It's good to know that you share this testimony to Glorify Jesus. Yes he is true. He leads us and guides us.

    God bless you, Keep penning the moments, he will take you through.

  2. Praise be to our divine Protector!


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