A Poem

Rach Photography
"For He that makes the sun shine high,
Also lets the wild wind assail."
A call to faith

If you believe Him in the clear sky,
You ought to believe him in the gale.
For He that makes the sun shine high,
Also lets the wild wind assail.
While in the storm
Indefinite doubts may arise:
Will He stand up to calm
The heart that cries?

Remember, the prowling wind sent
Is not designed to scare;
It drives you to relent
Your life to His care.

Ask yourself this, is it fair
In happy times to praise
And In harsh tides to swear
His ever protecting embrace?

Learn today to ever lift His name;
The journey smooth or rough be
For He remains ever the same;
Let your eyes His glories see. 

For this tempestuous weather
Is put around you as a barbed wire,
To guard your soul hither
From slipping into the worldly mire.

So then know, and stay calm
You are gently being transformed
Under the shelter of His arms.
From this woe you’ll surely transcend.

Little while and everything will end,
Entrust your fears to Him who’ll prepare
A soul fit for perfect peace and
 A glorious home you and I shall share.

-          Rachael


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