
Showing posts from September, 2021

Our Father Abraham Made Lemonade!

Our Father Abraham Made Lemonade! I can very well see your gaping faces through the screen, relax this is not going to be blasphemous. I'm trying to make a point through this statement. Hang around to find out why and how our father Abraham made lemonade. (Reference: Romans 4: 17-25) Abraham- The Father of Nations   Abraham   felt honored when  God gave him the title ' The Father of Nations'.  You might think, what is the big deal? Everyone will feel that way if they were in his place, but wait before you make any presumptions. Did you know that he was called ' The Father of Nations'  when chances of fathering a child were few and far between? Imagine Abraham sharing this promise from God to his friends and relatives, all I could hear are jeers and hoarse laughter. The circumstances  It was in this dreadful situation that he received the honorable title with a hopeful heart. Take a look at his circumstance: His body was weak and Sarah's womb was dead, every litt

Jeroboam Wants to Teach You a Big Something

 Jeroboam Wants to Teach You a Big Something  “ I know God is with me but I will lose my people if they go to Jerusalem and worship in the temple there ” Jeroboam mulled over it. A light bulb went on in his head, “ What if I build idols here at Bethel for them? That will stop them from going to Jerusalem ” A voice in his heart at once responded,  “ But, that will become a great sin before God ” Jeroboam bluntly brushed off the voice. You are as free as the bird that claims the sky to make a choice between God and your 'self' God Was With Jeroboam God was with Jeroboam, the king of Israel, though he wasn’t perfectly sinless  in  the  eyes  of  God. Just like how many people have taken God, whose mills grind slow,  for  granted;  Jeroboam did just the same. He never thought twice before  committing  the  heinous  crime of idolatry. He Led the People to Idolatry After he had made two golden calves, one at Bethel and another at Dan, Jeroboam called  the  people of Israel for