
Showing posts from July, 2020

Do you doubt the existence of God?

   God Exists!   I pity people who say God doesn’t exist. They say believing the unseen God is irrational yet they believe that gravity holds them and the breath in their nostril sustains them. They all are unwilling to open their eyes, but will that in any way question God’s existence? If a cat chooses to close its eyes, does the world become dark?      When they claim to be intelligent I wonder, have they ever thought about the mind behind the tremendous process involved in the growth of a fetus- knitted nerve by nerve, have they ever been able to think who painted the wings of the butterflies? Or where the flowers got their fragrance from? They hadn’t just paused to look at themselves; can they find another person like them? What more, they failed to observe the universe: the stars, the planets- How can they think no one orchestrated them? Do they hang in the sky, coasting in their orbit all by themselves? I feel sorry; because I have little faith unlike them to believe that nobo