
Showing posts from November, 2021

Lovingly Wounded by God

 Lovingly Wounded by God Little did I know the value of pain, disappointments, setbacks, and trouble. Who can ever imagine a loving God allowing all of this in the lives of His dear ones? I spent most of my life pulling a long face at God, not to mention complaining, when faced with disappointments and pain. What troubled me was the discord between being faithful to God and suffering.  The hidden pain Honestly, like most of you, I stepped into the God frame thinking everything is going to turn around for good being around God. As I dug the scripture, that is the first lesson I had to unlearn. The Bible is full of promises of suffering. It doesn't leave you confused about why you need to suffer pain and trouble. I am going to talk you through the things I unlearned and had to relearn to maintain a Godly peace in the wretched world. CAUGHT IN THE COBWEB Yeah, we are all caught in the cobweb of this disastrous world. The world dumps its dreams, ambition, success, development, pride, p